Easton Public Market
Let Your Inner Foodie Run Wild!
Market News & Updates
Story and a Snack
Come join us in the Lehigh Valley Children’s Hospital Kids’ Zone in the back of the market for weekly seasonal stories and their accompanying snacks! Every week we try something tasty from the pages of a book, often times with activities to get the young ones engaged. All ages welcome!
Stay tuned as we work on upcoming themes and snacks for the 2024 season!
- 9/5: Melons (also celebrating Melons at the West Ward Market)
- 9/12: Guacamole (celebrating Hispanic Cultural Day at Easton Farmers’ Market and West Ward Market)
- 9/19: OFF
- 9/26: Sweet Peppers
Interested in a particular theme? Reach out to emily@eastonpartnership.org!
Easton is Growing
We’re happy to announce that the much anticipated Fourth St. Parking Garage is officially open! We’re excited to offer expanded parking options, with the bottom floor of the garage super-convenient metered parking and ticketed parking on the upper levels. Your trip to the Easton Public Market has never been easier. Although you could do it with your eyes closed, we wouldn’t recommend it because then you’ll miss the revamped plaza and colorful mural.
Please excuse our appearance as we make the final touches on our back plaza area. We so appreciate your patience! More parking info